Health Problems

Bone Grafts medical terminology definition

A bone graft transplants bone tissue. Surgeons use bone grafts to repair and rebuild diseased bones in your hips, knees, spine, and sometimes other bones and joints. Grafts can also repair bone loss caused by some types of fractures or cancers. Once your body accepts the bone graft, it provides a framework for growth of new, living bone.

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Health Problems

Drug Abuse medical terminology definition

Also called: Substance abuse
Drug abuse is a serious public health problem that affects almost every community and family in some way. Each year drug abuse results in around 40 million serious illnesses or injuries among people in the United States. Abused drugs include

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Health Problems

Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage medical terminology definition

Medicare prescription drug coverage is insurance that helps people pay for prescription drugs at participating pharmacies. It is available to everyone who has Medicare. It provides protection if you pay high drug costs or have unexpected prescription drug bills. It doesn’t cover all costs. You have to pay part of the cost of prescription drugs. Most people also have to pay a monthly premium and a yearly deductible for the coverage.

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Health Problems

Understanding Medical Research medical terminology definition

It seems to happen almost every day – you hear about a new result of medical research on television or read about it in the paper. Sometimes the results of one study seem to disagree with the results of another study.

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Health Problems

Vasculitis medical terminology definition

Also called: Angiitis
Vasculitis is an inflammation of the blood vessels. It happens when the body’s immune system attacks the blood vessel by mistake. The cause is often unknown. Vasculitis can affect arteries, veins and capillaries. Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the heart to the body’s organs. Veins are the vessels that carry blood back to the heart. Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that connect the small arteries and veins.

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Health Problems

Immune System and Disorders medical terminology definition

When your body encounters a germ, its first line of defense is your immune system. Specialized cells and organs help your body recognize and respond to foreign invaders. Your immune system even has its own circulatory system, called the lymphatic system.

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Health Problems

Hazardous Waste medical terminology definition

Even if you use them properly, many chemicals can still harm human health and the environment. When you throw these substances away, they become hazardous waste. Some hazardous wastes come from products in our homes. Our garbage can include such hazardous wastes as old batteries, bug spray cans and paint thinner. U.S. residents generate 1.6 million tons of household hazardous waste per year. Hazardous waste is also a by-product of manufacturing.

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Health Problems

Sarcoidosis medical terminology definition

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease. It starts as tiny, grain-like lumps called granulomas, which most often appear in your lungs or lymph nodes. They can clump together and form larger lumps that attack other organs. Sarcoidosis often affects your skin, eyes or liver.

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Health Problems

Bone Diseases medical terminology definition

Your bones help you move, give you shape and support your body. They are living tissues that rebuild constantly throughout your life. During childhood and your teens, your body adds new bone faster than it removes old bone. After about age 20, you can lose bone faster than you make bone. To have strong bones when you are young, and to prevent bone loss when you are older, you need to get enough calcium, vitamin D and exercise.

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Health Problems

Drowning medical terminology definition

If you are under water long enough, your lungs fill with water and oxygen cannot get into your blood. A lack of blood oxygen can cause brain damage and death. Water in the lungs, especially contaminated water, can damage the lungs.

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