Health Problems

Hormones medical terminology definition

Hormones are your body’s chemical messengers. They travel in your bloodstream to tissues or organs. They work slowly, over time, and affect many different processes, including

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Health Problems

Thymus Cancer medical terminology definition

Also called: Thymic carcinoma, Thymoma
The thymus is a small organ in your upper chest, under your breastbone. Before birth and during childhood, the thymus helps the body make a type of white blood cell. These cells help protect you from infections.

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Health Problems

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome medical terminology definition

Also called: TOS
If you have thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS), the nerves or blood vessels just below your neck are compressed, or squeezed. It can be between the muscles of your neck and shoulder or between the first rib and collarbone. You may feel burning, tingling and numbness along your arm, hand, and fingers. If a nerve is compressed, you may also feel weakness in your hand. If a vein is compressed, your hand might be sensitive to cold, or turn pale or bluish. Your arm might swell and tire easily.

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Health Problems

Esophagus Disorders medical terminology definition

The esophagus is the tube that carries food, liquids and saliva from your mouth to the stomach. You may not be aware of your esophagus until you swallow something too large, too hot or too cold. You may also become aware of it when something is wrong.

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Health Problems

Bursitis medical terminology definition

A bursa is a filmy-colored sac that protects and cushions your joints. Bursitis means inflammation of one of your bursa sacs. The inflammation may result from arthritis in the joint or injury or infection of a bursa. Bursitis produces pain and tenderness and may limit the movement of nearby joints.

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Health Problems

Secondhand Smoke medical terminology definition

Also called: Environmental tobacco smoke, Passive smoking, Tobacco smoke pollution
You don’t have to be a smoker for smoking to harm you. You can also have health problems from breathing in other people’s smoke. Secondhand smoke is the combination of smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette, cigar or pipe and the smoke exhaled by the smoker. Secondhand smoke contains more than 50 substances that can cause cancer. Health effects of exposure to secondhand smoke include lung cancer, nasal sinus cancer, respiratory tract infections and heart disease.

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Health Problems

Nutrition for Seniors medical terminology definition

Food provides the energy and nutrients you need to be healthy. Nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

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Health Problems

Asbestos medical terminology definition

Asbestos is the name of a group of minerals with long, thin fibers. It was once used widely as insulation. It also occurs in the environment. Asbestos fibers are so small you can’t see them. Disturbing asbestos can cause fibers to float in the air. When this happens, they are easy to inhale. You breathe out most fibers, but some become lodged in the lungs. Over time, they can build up in the lungs, causing scarring and inflammation. This can eventually affect breathing and lead to disease, such as

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Health Problems

Rashes medical terminology definition

Also called: Dermatitis, Skin rash
A rash is an area of irritated or swollen skin. It might be red and itchy, bumpy, scaly, crusty or blistered. Rashes are a symptom of many different medical conditions. Things that can cause a rash include other diseases, irritating substances, allergies and your genetic makeup.

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Health Problems

Homeless Health Concerns medical terminology definition

Poor health can contribute to being homeless, and being homeless can lead to poor health. Limited access to health care can make it worse. That’s why the health of homeless people in the United States is worse than that of the general population. Common health problems include

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