Health Problems

Deep Vein Thrombosis medical terminology definition

Also called: DVT, Phlebitis, Thrombophlebitis, Venous thrombosis
Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body. Most deep vein clots occur in the lower leg or thigh. If the vein swells, the condition is called thrombophlebitis. A deep vein thrombosis can break loose and cause a serious problem in the lung, called a pulmonary embolism, or a heart attack or stroke.

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Health Problems

Lung Transplantation medical terminology definition

Lung transplantation is surgery to replace one or both diseased lungs with a healthy lung or lungs from a donor. During the operation, the surgeon makes a cut in the chest and removes the diseased lung. The surgeon then sews the new lung to the main blood vessels and air passage.

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Health Problems

Radon medical terminology definition

You can’t see radon. And you can’t smell it or taste it. But it may be a problem in your home. Radon comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States.

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Health Problems

X-Rays medical terminology definition

Also called: Radiography, Roentgen rays
You’ve probably had an X-ray examination of some part of your body. Health care professionals use them to look for broken bones, problems in your lungs and abdomen, cavities in your teeth and many other problems. For example, mammograms use X-rays to look for tumors or suspicious areas in the breasts.

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Health Problems

Gaucher’s Disease medical terminology definition

Gaucher’s disease is a rare, inherited disorder that causes too much of a substance called glucocerebroside to build up in your spleen, liver, lungs, bones and sometimes in your brain. The buildup prevents these organs from working properly.

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Health Problems

Pulmonary Fibrosis medical terminology definition

Also called: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary fibrosis harms the tissues deep in your lungs. The air sacs in your lungs and their supporting structures become inflamed and scarred. If scarring progresses, it makes your lungs thick and stiff. That makes it hard for you to catch your breath, and your blood may not get enough oxygen.

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Health Problems

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency medical terminology definition

Also called: AATD, Alpha-1, Inherited emphysema
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency is an inherited disorder that can cause lung disease in adults and liver disease in adults and children. Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a protein that protects the lungs. The liver usually makes the protein, and releases it into the bloodstream. Because of a gene problem, some people have little or none of it. Not having enough AAT puts you at risk of emphysema or liver problems. Three in four adults with a severe deficiency will get emphysema, some when they are younger than 40. If you smoke, you increase your risk. Children with AAT deficiency can develop liver problems that last their whole lives.

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Health Problems

Voice Disorders medical terminology definition

Also called: Vocal disorders
Voice is the sound made by air passing from your lungs through your larynx, or voice box. In your larynx are your vocal cords, two bands of muscle that vibrate to make sound. For most of us, our voices play a big part in who we are, what we do and how we communicate. Like fingerprints, each person’s voice is unique.

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Health Problems

Pneumocystis Infections medical terminology definition

Pneumocystis jirovec is a tiny fungus that lives in the lungs of many people. Most people’s immune systems keep the fungus under control. But if your immune system is weak, the fungus can make you very sick.

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Health Problems

Kaposi’s Sarcoma medical terminology definition

Also called: KS
Kaposi’s sarcoma is a cancer that causes patches of abnormal tissue to grow under the skin, in the lining of the mouth, nose, and throat or in other organs. The patches are usually red or purple and are made of cancer cells and blood cells. The red and purples patches often cause no symptoms, though they may be painful. If the cancer spreads to the digestive tract or lungs, bleeding can result. Lung tumors can make breathing hard.

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